Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Adorable Elephants

 I have sooooo much patterned paper and am always looking for a good way to use it up.  (Can anyone relate??)  One-sheet wonders appeal to me so much because it is a way to use up an ENTIRE sheet of patterned paper.!!  No little scraps left over (other than really tiny ones that you don't feel bad about throwing away).  I did a batch for Christmas last year and then for Valentine's Day this year (here, here and here, and here).    Now, I decided to do a batch of feminine birthday cards so I could have some on hand for those times when birthdays sneak up on me.  Some of the sentiments I used could also go for other occasions, which could end up being a life-saver, too.  So far, when I've done a batch, I've used one stamp set (images) and maybe mixed in other sets for the sentiments.  This time I've used the "Adorable Elephants" from MFT.  They are just. so. cute!  Here is my first set of three completed:
For this batch I tried this template--a new one for me.  I don't use any other patterned papers on these, but I will use two colors of coordinating card stock, one spool of ribbon and maybe some similar embellishments on some of them.  So, on the first one, I did use an embossing folder to give the background some interest.
On the second card, I stamped a background stamp using a yellow ink, so it just barely shows up.

On the third card I really liked the look of the plain card stock base and decided to leave it that way.  It gives a really clean look.
I will be posting more in the coming days (hopefully) but wanted to get these up before the sketch challenges close.

CARD #1:
Stamps: MFT "Adorable Elephants" by Birdie Brown
Dies: Verve "Classy Labels"
Embossing Folder: Sizzix "Circles"

CARD #2:
Stamps: MFT "Adorable Elephants" by Birdie Brown; Simon Says Stamp circle background
Dies: Spellbinders "Classic Circles, large" and "Scalloped Circles, large" and "Say What?" speech bubble

CARD #3:
 Stamps: MFT "Adorable Elephants" by Birdie Brown 

CARD #1:
Stick-It-Down Challenge--sketch (I turned it to a horizontal orientation so my squares would fit)

{Pin}spirational Challenge #278--inspiration photo (I was inspired by the elephants)

Word Art Wednesday #498--anything goes with uplifting sentiment
Crafty Sentiments--anything goes

CARD #2:

Pink Gem Challenge--anything goes
Penny's Challenge #499--anything goes
Creative Moments #217--anything goes

CARD #3:

Sweet Stampin'--I spy something beginning with "B" (I used a balloon and a banner)
Double Trouble #87--It's Hip to Be Square (Thing #1: squares or circles, Thing #2: play along with Try Stampin' on Tuesday)
Creative Fingers #211--anything goes


  1. So fun, Heather, that little elephant is the cutest! Love the one for our sketch the best, of course, lol. What great papers! Thanks so much for playing at TSOT!

  2. Sweet card!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for participating in my PINSPIRATIONAL challenge!!! Can’t wait to see you participate again in our next challenge!! Have a happy crafting day!! Stay safe and healthy!! Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper

  3. All three cards are adorable, Heather! I especially like the one you shared with us at Double Trouble AND Try Stampin' on Tuesday!!! Your little elephant is colored so cutely, and he is just perfect inside the double squares holding his balloon! Thank you for sharing your coloring and creativity with us!!! -Donna

  4. Heather, love all the elephant cards, adorable images and love each of your sketch interpetations... fun cards. With all cards added, you are hip, cool and groovy. Thanks for sharing with us at Double Trouble and TSOT.

  5. Hi Heather, I love how you used the different challenges to create a set of cards AND used up a whole sheet of paper! Your cards are all adorable, MFT has some of the cutest animal stamps. Thanks for sharing with us at Double Trouble!

  6. Three more absolutely adorable elephant cards, just too cute!

  7. Three more adorable elephant cards, you are going to get a lot of use out of these stamps.

  8. Those elephants just melt my heart - they are adorable. Love the different designs. Thanks for sharing with us at both Double Trouble and TSOT :)

  9. Those cards are so cute. I love the elephant image. Thanks for playing along ar Stick It Down.
    Mandi, card DT

  10. I so agree that these little elephants are so adorable! Love the way you used all the paper in 3 different designs!
    Thank you for joining Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2
    Hugs from Africa!

  11. Very cute card! Thank you for joining us at Try Stampin' On Tuesday for Challenge 512!

  12. Your cards are a "lot of fun" have done such a good job coloring your elephant and other images, each and every card you made has so much character, and beautiful colors...I love how you layered and did an amazing job with paper coordination. Thank you for joining Stick It Down---Sharon DT

  13. These really are adorable elephants!!

    Thanks for sharing with us at Creative Moments,

    Hugz Tinz

  14. Oh, Heather, you have been a busy lady. I love all your cards and that Elephant is just so cute if you can call an elephant cute. Love the colours you've use and the design paper. I totally hear you about scraps. I usually keep them and when I have time I make small gift cards out of the scraps. I use leftover ribbon scraps sometimes enough for a small card. I do keep all my scrap paper in clear folders in ring binders, one for each colour in card stock and then one for each colour in design papers. I must admit I do go back to them quite often even if it's for a small piece of card to back a sentiment rather than cutting into a large sheet. I had a major tidy up last year in March & April in our 1st lockdown and I haven't looked back it was the best thing I've ever done when tidying my craft room.
    Great card and thanks so much for sharing it with us over at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2 and good luck.
    Kathie SSW2~DT

  15. What absolutely adorable cards! Seriously!! Lovin' your take on the sketch too! Thank you for joining us at Stick It Down!

  16. Such a sweet card! Love the adorable elephant, the colors and the embossed background! Thanks for joining us at Stick it Down this month!
    Monica- Card DT
