Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Blessed is he

 I was in need of a masculine birthday card for a man at our church.  So, I pulled out this beautiful sentiment stamp and some cool, masculine patterned paper, added a bit of chocolate brown ribbon and some copper brads.  All the panels were matted on kraft card stock and everything was adhered to a kraft card base.

I've been seeing this fun idea round about on a bunch of blogs: Just Stash January (where you go the whole month of January without buying ANY new supplies--use what you have!) and decided to play along.  We all have so many unused goodies languishing away in our craft rooms.  Let's pull them out and show them some love.  The patterned paper has been in my stash for 2-3 years and I've had this sentiment much longer.  The ribbon and brads I have also had for several years.  Nothing new to see here!

Stamps: Verve "Jeremiah 17:7 Plain Jane"
Dies: Spellbinders "A2 Matting Basics A" rectangle

Crafty Hazelnut's Patterned Paper--anything goes with patterned paper
Sheep-ski Designs #46--anything goes
Creatalicious Challenge #203--anything goes with the optional twist: use kraft

Word Art Wednesday #475--anything goes with uplifting sentiment
Creative Fingers #200--anything goes
Aud Sentiments #266--anything goes
Cardz TV #157--anything goes
Use Your Stuff #414--Out with the old


  1. Oh wow.. this is really nice! I love the colours and your done of the sketch! It's just exactly

    Thanks for playing along with our current challenge at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2 and good luck!

    Hugs and please come back soon!

    Kleido’s BastelStüble
    *Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives
    *List Manager* Challenges for Days
    *DT* Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2

  2. great card and sentiment
    Thanks for joining us at Aud Sentiments
    Julie T

  3. beautiful truth and the papers work so well for your masculine card.

  4. Beautiful masculine card. Thank you for playing along at USE YOUR STUFF - DT Gail #staysafe #stayhealthy

  5. Very elegant card.
    Thanks for joining us at Craftyhazelnuts patterned paper challenge blog.
    Happy crafting!
    Catherine x DT

  6. Great masculine card.

    Thanks for joining us at the Use Your Stuff Challenge.

    Helen x

  7. Me again!

    Thanks for joining us at the SheepSki Designs Challenge too.

    Helen x

  8. Fabulous mans card, I love that checked paper.
    Thank you for playing along with us at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2
    Anne SSW2-DT
