Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Hero Arts Celebration

Hero Arts is celebrating their 45th anniversary this year!  Wow, pretty amazing!  As part of their celebration, they are having a show and tell link-up.  They want their customers to share their first Hero Arts stamps and memories.  This is my very first Hero Arts stamp: Old French Writing.

It was actually one of the very first stamps I ever bought; I've probably had it at least 15 years and it is still one of my favorite background stamps.  My only wish is that is was larger, so it would cover more at one time.  The font is so elegant and it I just love it!  Here is one of the the most recent projects I created using it:
I stamped it in on the background before dry embossing the panel.


  1. Thanks for sharing Heather, this one is a treasure indeed!

  2. I love what you did with your "antique" Hero Arts stamp. I think Hero Arts might have been one of the first cards I bought. And yes still have. Some stamps just never go out of style.
