Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Cat's Out of the Bag

Happy Wednesday!!  It's time for another challenge from The House That Stamps Built.  It's one of my favorites: Tic Tac Toe:
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Pick any row, column, or diagonal, or maybe challenge yourself to use all of the squares!!  Here is the card I created:
I used the center row: yellow, paper piecing, and vellum.  I also used polk-a-dots.  I won this background die within the last couple of weeks and for some reason, I've had this card in mind since I won it.  And I just love how it turned out.  The cat image is one of my newest Repeat Impressions stamps and this is the first time I've inked it up.  I stamped the image on a scrap of white card stock and then again on a piece of brown paper bag (or maybe packaging) that I had in my stash for some reason.  Some of the other Rock Stars have done this technique before and it is really genius.  After coloring the cat and adding a little shading to the bag, I cut them out and pieced them together.  I stamped the sentiment on vellum and heat embossed it with black embossing powder.  Then I backed the squares with patterned paper and adhered the cat with foam tape for some really fun dimension.  Finished everything off with some enamel dots.  In the following picture, you can see the dimension a bit more. 
If you need any of the stamps I used today (and you know you do!) check out my 10% off your entire order code in the left-hand sidebar.  And then come back and get inky with us.  I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Stamps: Repeat Impressions "Curiosity Cat" and "The Cat's Out. . ."
Dies: Lawn Fawn "Peekabook Background" die

heARTful Stamping--anything goes
Fashionable Stamping #134--animals
Crafty Friends #181--use your favorite color (blue is my favorite color and gray is my favorite color for cats, I've had three of them)
Sweet Stampin'--embossing (heat embossing)
Cardz TV #42--anything goes
Creative Fingers #144--anything goes
Fussy and Fancy Challenge #209--add a sentiment
Cute Card Thursday #524--anything goes
Crafting By Designs--anything goes
Creative Craft Cottage #106--anything goes
2 Crafty Critter Crazies #13--anything goes
Sheep Ski Designs #13--animal magic
Dies R Us #94--anything goes (I used a Lawn Fawn die)
Divas That Cut--anything goes
Crafty Hazelnut's Patterned Paper--anything goes with patterned paper
Verve April Diva Dare--yellow


  1. What a great die to win - I can see you using that a lot. Love this stamp - reminds me of my kitty Nikki (she lived to be 16). Tic Tac Toe is one of my favorite challenges.

  2. Stunning and fun card, congrats on your win, like this die - so versatile!

  3. Wow! Great idea to use that die, Heather. You created such an adorable card with it and the images. Using a piece of paperbag is a perfect detail. Cute, cute card.

  4. OMG how cute is this!!! Love it! Thanks so much for playing in our ‘Anything Goes DRU’ challenge at Dies R Us. Good Luck and please come back again soon!

    Darlene (DRU Blog Leader)
    DAR’S CRAFTY CREATIONS Please stop by for a visit.

  5. Such a fun card! Love the way you divided it up in to four sections! Great coloring on the cat/bag and perfectly paired designer paper!

  6. Hello…. You have made a beautiful card using a fab cat image…. Thanks for entering it into the ‘Favourite Colour’ challenge at Crafty Friends Challenge Blog. Good luck in the draw and hope you can join us again for our next challenge.
    Diane Louise
    [Team Leader for Crafty Friends Challenge Blog]

  7. I love the cat poking it's head into the bag. So glad you joined us at Die Cut Divas.

  8. Super cute!!! Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin, good luck!!! Amy DT

  9. Great die and wonderful use of the TTT elements on this challenge!

  10. This is the perfect card for a cat lover! Which includes me! Thanks for joining our "Anything Goes DRU" challenge at Dies R Us!

  11. Great card. Love the pretty colors and patterns!

  12. The cat image made me smile it looks so cute.

    Thank you for sharing with us at Fashionable Stamping Challenges.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  13. Great card! I really like your patterned paper and the little cat :)
    Thanks a lot for joining us at Fussy and Fancy! :)

  14. I LOVE this! Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin' this week. Sammy-x

  15. Oh, this is so fabulously cute! Love that kitty image and your enamel dots are the perfect accent. So glad you could join us for our Diva Inspirations challenge!

  16. What a fun card Heather! That cat looks soooo mischievous.
    Thank you for joining us at Fashionable Stamping Challenges.
    Dot x
    Ink Art Designs

  17. This is such a cute, cute card! Love the cat in the bag.... Thanks for linking up to the DRU Anything Goes challenge. Best of luck to you!

  18. This is a brilliant arrangement - the color-blocking perfectly sets off the stamps, and the little tail sticking up is so funny! Good luck in the HeARTful Stamping Challenge!

  19. Hi Heather, a super cute card, love the cat and the sentiment you used with it. Thank you for joining us at Crafting by Designs, good luck in the prize draw... Megan DT

  20. Love this card, great image thanks for joining us at Crafty Friends, xx

  21. sweet card :)
    thanks for joining us at SheepSki Designs Challenges. i hope you’ll join us again 🙂
    DT heike 🙂

  22. This is such a fun card!
    Great design and love that
    cat stamp!

  23. Love it!
    Thanks for joining Crafty Friends
    DT Laura

  24. Fantastic card, just love it. Great die and such a fun image.

    Thanks for joining us over at Sheep Ski Designs.
    Jean xx

  25. A great card. I love the patterned papers you have used. Thank you for sharing at Crafty Hazelnut's Patterned Paper. Rebecca x

  26. Cute card! Thanks for sharing with us at Creative Craft Cottage!
