Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Magic of Christmas

My husband and I (and various other family members) have been working on renovating our entryway.  Built in the 60's it was covered in that fabulous wood paneling and since we replaced the windows in our house about 12 years ago, we haven't even had any trim around them.  So, it was way past time!  One of the things we did was replace our sliding closet doors with sliding barn doors and we added a chalkboard panel to the center door.  While I was finishing up my Christmas cards last week, I noticed that several of the stamps would make fabulous chalkboard art.  So, I stamped one of the sentiments on a piece of paper . . .
 And then proceeded to turn it into this:
I think next year, another of these stamps will grace my chalkboard.

Through The Purple Haze #140--anything goes
Word Art Wednesday #314--anything goes with uplifting sentiment
Tuesday Morning Sketches #424--anything goes


  1. I LOVE this! What a great door that you can enjoy for all occasions, but I really love this saying!!
    Thanks for playing along with our Anything Goes Challenge at Tuesday Morning Sketches
    Debbie ~ TMS DT
    Debbie's Dash of This and That

  2. How beautiful, Heather! Love your chalkboard art! Happy 2018!
