Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Happy Birthday

It's Wednesday so that means time for another What If? Wednesday challenge from The House That Stamps Built.  This week we have a sketch challenge for you:
I had every intention of following this sketch literally until I had my image/background all stamped and it came time for the top element.  So, as you can see, I took some liberties with it, but the overall feel of the sketch is still there.
I started off by stamping the music sheet background (which I had selectively inked so it would be slightly imperfect) and then overlaying it with the lighthouse image.  For the sentiment, I combined "Happy" from the Happy set and "Birthday" from "Birthday".  It's a fun combination, I think because the Birthday fits perfectly, overlapping the letters from happy.
I hope you get a chance to play along with us this week.  A good sketch is always a good way to start off your card.  Head on over to The House Blog and see what the rest of the team has created.

Stamps: Repeat Impressions "Happy", "Birthday", "Sheet Music", "Sand Dollar", and "Bass Harbor Light (lg)"
Dies: Spellbinders "Classic Circles, large"; MFT "Blueprints 13" stitched rectangle

CAS-ual Fridays #148--Birthday boy
Fussy & Fancy #164--dies and or punches
Crafty Catz #325--anything goes
Brown Sugar #199--anything goes
Scrappers Delights #55--anything goes
{Pin}spirational Challenge #166--anything goes
Dis Digi Designs--for the boys


  1. I really like your take on the sketch!

  2. Love that stamp you used Heather. Nice take on a tricky sketch.

  3. Lovely card and thanks for joining us at CraftyCatz this week....x

  4. Really like this and the scene is perfect stamped on the fading sheet music . Will be a perfect birthday card - especially for a man!!!

  5. What a great card, Heather! It's a wonderful combination of stamps and colours!
    Thanks for joining our challenge at Scrapper's Delights! :o)

  6. I really like your card!! I love the scene you created!! That's for joining us at CAS-ual Fridays!!

  7. Love, love, love your combination of stamped images - along with your colors have made a fabulous card!

  8. This is such a cool card, Heather. I love the combo of stamps and the "artsy" feel you captured.

  9. Fabulous card....Thanks for sharing with us at Di's Digi Designs Challenge.
    Wendy x

  10. What a creative seaside card!

    Thank you for participating in the last {PIN}Spirational Challenge. A new one has just begun... I hope you'll check it out and play along with it, too!

  11. A great card!!! Thanks so much for participating in our {PIN}SPIRATIONAL challenge!!! Can’t wait to see you participate again in our next challenge!! Have a great crafty day!!! (SO sorry I'm late commenting but I have so much trouble with this proving I'm NOT A ROBOT foolishness!!)
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper
