Sunday, March 10, 2013

Star in the heavens

 I have wanted to make a card like this for a while, but don't have the right star die.  But this week's color challenge at 52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown challenge was the perfect opportunity to make it work anyway.  So, I used a star stamp on the back of the panel and cut it out using my craft knife.  And it came out pretty much like I imagined.  I think the card could use some more embellishment, but I just couldn't figure out what that should be and I'm pretty happy with it as it.
This picture shows the popped up layer a little better.

Sweet 'n' Sassy Digi Challenge #95--go green or recycle (the gold panel is recycled gold textured wrapping paper from  Christmas.  My brother-in-law always finds really cool wrapping paper and I though it was just too pretty to throw away!  It had to be good for something, right?)
JUGS #179--negative die

52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown--black, gold, white

Stamps: Word Art By Karen "Matthew 2:10" digi; Verve "Star of Wonder" star to use to cut out the star
Recycled gold wrapping paper.


  1. I don't think your card needs anything else at all - it's absolutely beautiful. Clean, simple and elegant. Thanks so much for playing along with 52CCT this week!

  2. Heather, I think this is a wonderful CAS card! It's terrific just the way it is.
    Thanks for participating in both the 52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown challenge and the Sweet 'n Sassy Digi Challenge this week! You did a really job with the 52{C}CT colors, and I liked your story behind your "green" recycled element.

  3. Love the way you created this gold star. Very CAS and elegant card and I love the scripture, it sets it off so well. Thank you for joining in with our colour challenge at 52 CCT this week

    Louise xx

  4. LOVE the popped up layer, Heather! This is just beautiful! LOVE your CAS layout, too! Thanks for joining us at 52CCT! :)

  5. Love this CAS card. Perfect way to reuse that fabulous wrapping paper. Thanks for joining us at the SNS Digi Challenge blog this week.

  6. Gorgeous CAS card Heather. Love the dimension and the gorgeous star you've made. Thanks so much for joining us this week at 52CCT!

  7. Clean and simple, all what I love! The texture of the golden paper looks a bit like straw ....and this is great!

    Rosi x

  8. Wow, love that cut out star and popped up panel Heather, what a simple but very stylish Christmas card! Perfect for our challenge at 52 {C}CT, thanks so much for taking part & please come back soon! Ruth x

  9. Oh very pretty! Thanks for joining in with JUGS!

  10. Beautiful! Great job recycling the gold paper! Thanks for sharing at SNSDC!

  11. Love that shimmery star!! Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls this week.

  12. Your card is so striking! I love the image and the message! I think you might be distracting from the simplicity if you add anything. And great job cutting out that star by hand! I'm impressed. Thanks for joining in at 52CCT this week!

  13. super résultat, elle est tellement élégante, biz
