Monday, April 23, 2012

Something different

 Ha! Blogger just changed things around and now the pictures actually post in the order you selected them, not the reverse order like they used to.  So, my pictures are not in the order I planned, but that's ok.  It still works.  This week's For Fun challenge is Anything Goes.  But it is anything goes with a twist!  We are supposed to create a project from another craft genre other than card making.  I make jewelry as a side business and I actually just finished a custom order for my cousin who is getting married in June.  It's a large wedding party: 5 bridesmaids/maids of honor, 2 junior bridesmaids and 4 flower girls (with the added challenge of a metal allergy on one of the flowergirls)!  I just finished today.  This first picture is of the flowergirls' necklace.  It's really not the best picture, it's rather rainy and cloudy outside.  But they are really cute with an amethyst colored heart at the center.  And not one piece of metal.
 The next two pictures show the sets for the bridesmaids (the junior bridesmaids have the same necklace but no earrings).  All the crystals are a nice deep amethyst/plum color.


  1. Beautiful Jewelry! Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful work with us at For Fun!

  2. WOW!!! Beautiful jewelry!! Thanks for sharing with For Fun!!!

  3. Oh wow!! she is soooo lucky to have you!! I love the bottom one the best.

    Thanks for playing "Anything but a Card" at For Fun Challenges. Hope to see you tomorrow when the new challenge is posted.

  4. This is gorgeous!! Wow! :) Thanks for playing at For Fun Challenges!--Katy, GDT
