Monday, April 16, 2012

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire

If you are singing along with the title of this post, that's the idea! This week's Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas Challene #68 is Let's have a Sing song: create a card inspired by a Christmas song. Now, that was a tough one for me, but I so love this set "Home is Where the Hearth Is" from Clear Dollar Stamps and was thinking about the fireplace when that phrase came to me: "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire." I also added a musical score background stamp (from Skipping Stones Design's "Timeless Textures" set) to the small squares after stamping the images. The sentiment in the bottom left (a little hard to see) is from Verve's "Ornamental Christmas." I used the sketch #123 from Skipping Stones Design.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely choice of song and it goes so well with the stamped image - and I like the music background on the squares - thanks for joining in my CHNC challenge 68 - hope to see you again soon. x
