Monday, February 13, 2012

Praying for you

One of the women at our church is having surgery today and I'm going to send her this card to let her know that we are praying for a quick recovery. I'm using the Pretty Palette #47 color challenge: pink/aqua/rose/gray and the challenge today from Papertrey Ink (they are celebrating their 5th anniversary and have challenges and prizes each day) to use butterflies & leaves. The Stampin' Sisters In Christ challenge is to create a "happy" card. I think this will brighten the recipient's day, so it's definitely happy.
All products are Papertrey Ink (except the French Script I stamped on the leaves and the butterfly): Mat Stack 2 die and stamp set, leaf die, butterfly die and the sentiment from "Damask Designs"


  1. This is so pretty!! I LOVE the colors you used!!

  2. Lovely stamps and arrangement of elements! This will certainly brighten here day! Thanks for joining us again this week at MTME pretty palette! :0)

  3. Beautiful Heather, Love the sweet simplicity of your design! Thanks so much for joining us at MTME Pretty Palette!

  4. What a pretty color combination, and this is such a happy card!! Thanks so much for joining us this week at Stampin' Sisters in Christ challenge!

  5. Beautiful card! I'm sure this card will brighten your friend's day! Thanks for playing our Pretty Palette challenge!

  6. What a sweet sweet card for your friend! She will love it :-)Thanks for sharing in this weeks color challenge at MTME Pretty Palette!
