Saturday, January 7, 2012

Getting a Head Start

Here it is, the end of the first week of January and I am starting Christmas cards! I am determined to get them finished before last minute this year. This card uses the Sweet Stop Sketch #140,the challenge from Crimbo Crackers (all Christmas cards, yeah!) to use only black and white, the Our Daily Bread Designs challenge #91 to use something new (Ornamental Christmas by Verve--a brand new stamp set I just got last week) AND something old (had these snowflake stamps from Inkadinkado forever!!), the Last But Not Least challenge to use something new, and the Crafty Hazelnut Christmas Challenge #54 to create a Christmas card with something recycled (see that awesome netted "ribbon" bow? Yep, recycled from my daughter's Christmas dress. She stepped on the netting and ripped it and I had to cut off about 1 inch all around to even it out. Figured it could be used for something and this was perfect.)


  1. What a super card - love the recycled bow, definitely too good to waste - thanks for joining in my CHNC challenge 54 - hope to see you again soon. x

  2. Oh, so pretty Heather! Love that embossed ornament. The re-cycled netting looks great. Such an elegant color combo. Thank you for playing along with us at The Sweet Stop this week. :o)

  3. Thanks for playing along with my challenge.....your card is beautiful!!! I always say better late than never!!! :-)

  4. What a beautiful card Heather!! Love the brown and white combo with your recycled bow!! Thanks for joining the ODBD shining the Light challenge this week!

  5. Beautiful Heather! Love the netting and the lacy border! And how organized you are for starting your Christmas cards for next year! Thanks for joining us at The Sweet Stop this week!

  6. Your card is lovely! Thank you for playing along with ODBD Shining the Light challenge.

  7. love your card and your 'ribbon' :)

  8. Fab card and hope you can come back do make more Christmas cards!! Thank you for joining in at Crimbo Crackers – hope you can join me again for the next challenge! Crimbo Crackers
