Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Next Batch

 I have my next installation of cards from the one-sheet wonder template I've been working on.  Four more done, 5 pieces left to go. You can see the others here and here.

I had originally die cut that fancy "doily" for one of the other cards and it didn't work out, but it was perfect for this card.

I added some silver glitter paste to it to give it some fabulous shine!  You can see it in the photo below.
For the second card, I added a vellum panel; it softens the background but doesn't add any extra pattern.
On both that card and the next card, I used the same circle background stamp to create a little bit of interest.
For the last one, I actually had to cut and piece the strips of patterned paper together.  The original pieces were too short, but by hiding the cut behind the ribbon panel, they look like they are the perfect length!  I used a second stamp set for the sentiment on this one.  None of the sentiments from the elephants set would fit on the white panel.

CARD #1:
Stamps: MFT "Adorable Elephants"; Simon Says Stamp "Round and round" background stamp
Dies: MFT "Blueprints 12" stitched circle and "Small Doilies"

CARD #2: 
Stamps: MFT "Adorable Elephants"; Simon Says Stamp "Round and round" background stamp
Dies: Spellbinders "Classic Circles, large"

CARD #3:
Stamps: MFT "Adorable Elephants"; Simon Says Stamp "Round and round" background stamp
Border Punch: Fiskars "Upper Crest"

CARD #4:
Stamps: MFT "Adorable Elephants"; Papertrey Ink "Fresh Alphabet"
Dies: MFT "Designer Labels STAX"

CARD #1:
MFT 548--sketch (but I missed the deadline)

Cards Galore #89--anything goes
Crafty Calendar--anything goes
Stinkin' Inkers--let the sparks fly (sparkle on my die cut and blue rhinestones)
Cardz TV #144--anything goes

CARD #2:

C.R.A.F.T. #604--anything goes
Dies R Us #172--anything goes using brands DRU sells (Spellbinders)
Sheepski Designs #52--celebration (birthdays)
A Gem of a Challenge--anything goes

CARD #3:

Make My Monday #152--airborne (my little butterfly is flying)

CARD #4:

Crafty Hazelnut's Patterned Paper--anything goes with patterned paper
Creative Sketchy Girls #61--ribbon, rope, lace
Crafty Sentiments--anything goes


  1. Stunning CARD here and love your style, thanks for entering your project into this month's challenge, anything goes, and look forward to you joining us again.. Good luck in the final draw..

    [aNNie Design team member for Pattie's Creations challenge
    https://thejourneyisthestarthere.blogspot.com/{My Blog}

  2. Darling cards, ALL of them! Love the elephant stamp! Thanks for playing along with our card sketch this month at SID!

  3. What a wonderful set of cards, Heather! Great way to use up a big sheet of patterned paper. I love how you continued the elephant stamp on each one too. Glad you joined us this week at Krafty Chicks.

  4. Very cute cards, love the little elephants!
    Thanks for sharing with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge
    Patty S, Design Team

  5. Oh Heather, these are all adorable! One sheet wonders are so much fun!

    Thank you for playing along with us at Creative Knockouts, I hope you will join in again this week:-)

  6. A lovely array of cards, Heather! Great take on our sketch with Card #2. Your elephant is so cute. Thank you for playing along with us at Try Stampin' on Tuesday #512.

  7. I am absolutely in love with your elephant cards! They're super, super cute!! Thank you for playing along with us this month at Stick It Down.

  8. Awesome Elephant cards. All of them are so creative and cute. Thanks for sharing over at Crafty Sentiments.

  9. I forgot to also include Make My Monday challenge. Thanks for sharing your awesome Elephant cards.

  10. Love this, Heather! This little elephant is just so sweet! Great papers, and great touch of vellum! Thanks so much for playing at TSOT!

  11. These are all so lovely. That elephant is so sweet and the papers are so pretty. Thanks for joining my challenge at Make My Monday. Love Dawn x

  12. Such cute cards with the darling elephant! Wonderful designs! Thanks so much for joining us at Dies R Us for the challenge!

  13. Such a fun set of cards, love the adorable little elephant! Thanks for playing with us at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge!

  14. Super cute cards, those elephants are just so sweet, I love it! Thanks for playing along with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge (AHSC).

    Brandi R.
    DT member AHSC

  15. Such a sweet elephant! Thank you for joining us for Challenge #428 at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge this week!

  16. So sweet with the elephant and ty for play along with Creative Sketchy Girls .
    Groetjes Maura (DT CSG)

  17. This is such a cute card! Thanks so much for linking up to the DRU challenge. Best of luck to you!

  18. Another super cute elephant card, Heather! Your coloring is so wonderful, and your unlikely combination of colors and patterns REALLY works!! Thank you for sharing your talents with us at Try Stampin' on Tuesday!!! -Donna

  19. OH my goodness, all your cards are "unforgettable"...SO CUTE! I love your paper choices, and your colors. Your coloring is spot on and your cards are WONDERFUL! Thank you for joining Stick It Down--Sharon DT

  20. These cards are so lovely! I especially love the color combination of yellow & blue and that cute elephant. Thank you so much for joining us at Stick It Down this month. Maya, card DT

  21. Awesome designed project for our current challenge, celebrate ….. great colours.
    Thanks for joining in at [aNNie Designer for SheepSki Designs

  22. Wow, I love all of them! The whole series is so cute! I really loike the digis, colors and the shine on the doily in the first card. :)

    Thank you for joining us at the Crafts Galore Encore Challenge.

  23. Gorgeous set of cards, those elephants are so cute. Thanks for joining in our July 'Anything Goes' challenge over at Crafty Calendar.
    Bev x

  24. Your elephant card-collection is just super-lovely! I love the way you have used the same elements and just changed up something here or there. Clever. Your colouring is spot-on too! Thankyou for sharing your creativity with us this time - Vic, DT - Patties Creations. x

  25. Great take on the sketch. I love the elephant. Thanks for playing along at Stick It Down.
    Mandi, card DT.

  26. Love the sweet cards, it's always fun to use up a larger pattern paper with the one sheet wonder! Great job. Thanks for joining us at Stick It Down this month! Hope to see you next month too.

    Monica- Card DT

  27. What sweet elephant cards.
    Thanks for joining us at Craftyhazelnuts patterned paper challenge blog in July. Hope to see you again in August.
    Happy crafting!
    Catherine x DT
