Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Salvage card

Happy Wednesday!!  It's time for another challenge from The House That Stamps Built and this week it is a fan favorite: Anything Goes!! And here is the card I created for your inspiration:
This is actually a card rescue.  I had a card that I had made years ago (maybe even within the first year or two of my card making journey) sitting around as it never got sent.  Here is what it looked like:
It was super CAS, and not really in a good way.  The card base was a very flimsy textured paper; definitely NOT good for a base!!  A little pink ink sponged around the edges.  The focal element was made with templates from Hot Off The Press.  Anyone else remember them?  I did edge all of the pieces with a gold paint pen, so at least it had some sparkle.  But there was no way I was ever going to send it like this!  But after a little magic, it now looks like this:

I started with a new kraft card stock base (much more sturdy) and die cut the filigree panel out of the original card front.  The texture and light pink inking give it even more interest.  I kept the focal element intact, turned it 90 degrees to fit the card.  I also added a fancy brad embellishment that I have had forever!  I stamped the sentiment and added a bit of twill ribbon from my stash to finish everything off.  Now, it's something I don't mind sending out!  And I was able to save and reuse most of the original.  Win, win!
I've been seeing this fun idea round about on a bunch of blogs: Just Stash January (where you go the whole month of January without buying ANY new supplies--use what you have!) and decided to play along.  We all have so many unused goodies languishing away in our craft rooms.  Let's pull them out and show them some love. 
Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you will hop over to the House blog to see the rest of the DT's creations and then get inky and play along with us.  And if you need any of the stamps I used, check out my 10% off your ENTIRE order coupon code over in my left sidebar.

Stamps: Repeat Impressions "Sympathy"
Dies: Spellbinders "Filigree Delight"; Verve "Classy Labels"

Crafts Galore #83--anything goes
Creatalicious Challenge #203--anything goes with the optional twist: use some kraft
Creative Fingers #199--anything goes
Pixie's Crafty Workshop #394--anything goes with snippets (I think resurrecting a card might be the ultimate use of snippets, but if not, my sentiment panel was die cut from a scrap and the horizontal kraft panel was a scrap.)
Use Your Stuff #414--out with the old (the card was old!  Both dies I used, I've had for at least 7 years and the brad probably just as long.)
Sketch Saturday #643--sketch (It is a little bit of a stretch, by my card was based on this layout)

Crafty Catz #534--anything goes: tie it up (I used a little bit of ribbon)


  1. Wow, what a change, great rescue into a striking card! Like your color combination!

  2. I never think about rescuing a card I'm not pleased with, I just start from scratch again. This is a very striking card - and love the pinks/red combination. Great sympathy card.

  3. Wow! what a great rescue! And what a fun way to up the game on an old card. I remember HOTP - they had some good stuff in the day and still do.

  4. Looks great hun, nice rescue

    Thank you for sharing with us at 'Creatalicious' this time
    Stay safe
    Hugs Shell xx

  5. wow how different it looks now thanks for sharing it with us at Crafty catz this week good luck

  6. wonderful upcycling. Thank you for joining our challenge at We love Chocolate Baroque

  7. Love this rescue - beautiful card! Thanks for playing along at USE YOUR STUFF - DT Gail #staysafe #stayhealthy

  8. Your rescue card is perfect! And, yes, I do remember HOTP! Thanks for the fun memories! Great job on the challenge!

  9. That is a sensational rescue job, turning the original card from OK into stunning. And I'm going to have to take a closer look at Just Stash January for next year, I've been a very naughty girl this month.
    Guest Designer at the Playground

  10. What a wonderful save this is Heather - and resurrecting a card most certainly does count in the Snippets Playground. It's lovely!


    Di xx

  11. Such a great idea !! It looks gorgeous with the new make over. I think we all have cards or projects we can do this to. Great seeing you again at LTCCB
    Tina dt
