Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Christmas tags

I don't necessarily procrastinate, but I always seem to be finishing things up just in the nick of time.  I think it's because I have a lot of things to do (like all of us) and start with what needs to be done NOW and then work on the next things.  Case in point, I usually end up wrapping Christmas presents on Christmas Eve.  Well, this year I already have several gifts wrapped.  It's because my brother and his family live 14+ hours away and my sister was going out to visit him over Thanksgiving.  So, rather than have to pay the shipping to send gifts out to them, I sent them with my sister which meant I had to have them AND have them wrapped!  Good thing my sister does things way ahead  of time and got me into it this year.  Anyway, I made these tags to go on their gifts.
 I used the same dies for the tag shape then varied the stamps I used on them.  The first ones are my favorite snowmen for my favorite niece (and I can say that since she's the only one!)
I used my mini MISTI to make all of these and it was so much easier and faster!  I stamped the tag itself with red and then added the snowman in the circle; just the perfect size!  I paper pieced their hats and scarves with some scraps.  It just really adds to their cuteness.  The next tags are for my first nephew and I used these super cute little reindeer.
 I stamped his tags in green and then added the reindeer inside the circles.  Next up it the tag for the littlest guy (he's not quite one yet).
 I stamped his tag in green; keeping the boys' tags color coordinated.  I stamped the present in the circle and colored it up, adding white dots to the bow with a gel pen.  And last, but not least, the Mama's tag.
I wanted her's to be a little bit more elegant, so I used a damask stamp on the tag base and added a glittery, green, die cut snowflake on top instead of adding a stamped image.  All of the tags match the colors in the wrapping paper and bows I used, so I look like I've got it all together!  No one will ever know that I didn't get the tags made and on the packages until only a couple hours before my sister came to pick the gifts up.  : )

Dies: Papertrey Ink "Mat Stack 3"; Memory Box "Lindeman Snowflake"
Stamps: Papertrey Ink "Mat Stack 3" tag backgrounds; YNS "Holiday Snow Globe" images

Stamplorations Theme and Sketch--stamps and tags
Crafting By Designs--Christmas
C.R.A.F.T. #443--not a card
Winter Wonderland--traditional red and green
Alphabet Challenge--S is for snowpeople
CASology #277--round
Try Stampin' on Tuesday--tag challenge


  1. Lovely creation, thank you for joining our challenge at CRAFT Challenge this week

  2. These are just the cutest tags and thanks for sharing at Craft this week

  3. Fabulous tags - thank you for sharing with us at Winter Wonderland.
    Kath x

  4. Thanks for playing in our challenge! Great tags. I love how you personalized them. Great job.
    ♥ Monica - STAMPlorations DT
    My personal Blog - Taylormadecards4u

  5. They are all so darling, Heather! And how great to have them finished and have the gifts delivered already!! Thanks for linking to CASology!! Hugs, Darnell

  6. Very sweet tags, I LOVE the coloring on the green bow of the gift box! Thanks for joining us at STAMPlorations Theme and Sketch challenge:)

  7. These are really adorable tags. It's been a while since I've seen that die cut, and I love it as much now as when it was new. All the little images are so cute. Thanks so much for playing along at CASology this week.

  8. Adorable tag, well done you on being so well organized.
    Thanks for sharing with us at the Alphabet challenge blog. :)

  9. Fabulous tags, Heather! Thanks so much for sharing with us at CASology this week!

  10. Very nice, love the little snowman, so cute and the reindeer is quite cute also. Thanks for sharing on Try Stampin'
