Friday, August 2, 2013


Hi, Everyone!  It's Friday and that means it's time for another challenge from Clearly iStamp Challenges:  Lift a project from someone else.  (Now, I don't know exactly who you are supposed to lift, so hope on over to the CiC blog for all the details.  The person I was assigned to case is Indy, one of our other talented DT members.  She had so many fabulous projects that it was hard to pick just one.  But I finally did it. : )  Here is her original card: (You can click on the picture to be taken to her post)
Isn't it cute!?  And I love the CAS style to it.  So, here is my lift (or CASE):
I think you can see what inspired me: the layout and those super cute banners.  So come play along, it's lots of fun. : )

Stamps: Clearly Digi Stamps "Yummy Cupcakes"
Dies: Verve "Pennant Trim" die

1 comment:

  1. You're card is so cute! That a fun cupcake for sure-it has 2 cherries on top! I love your banners too! :)
