Sunday, August 19, 2012

Thinking of you

Another entry into the challenges for Verve for their release week celebrations (check out all the festivities on their blog).  This card is for the Day 4 challenge: clean and simple.  This was also the perfect theme for the new 10 minute craft dash challenge.  This week is the first challenge and it is simple: create a project in under 10 minutes.  This card actually took 11 minutes and 30 seconds, but I thought that was pretty good.  I'll have to get better for the next challenge.

Verve Release Challenge Day #4--clean and simple
10 minute craft dash #1--10 minutes or less
JUGS #150--orange, kraft, blue, rust
Skipping Stones Design #141--sketch
Timeless Tuesdays #182--kraft

Cardstock: SU!
Stamps: Papertrey Ink "Mehndi Medallion"; Verve "Accent Notes"


  1. Great card, Heather! Such fun colors too!

    Glad you were able to join us in the 10 Minute Craft Dash- hope you'll play along with us again!

  2. Such pretty stamping! Thanks for joining us at the FTTC this week. :)

  3. Gorgeous card, perfect colors! Thanks for playing at Skipping Stones Design this week!

  4. Lovely card and great take on the sketch! Thanks for playing with us at SSD :)

  5. Oh, wow! This is so pretty! I love it! Thanks for playing along with us over at Skipping Stones Design!

  6. This is beautiful! Love the colors and that glorious medallion image!

  7. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Thanks for playing along with Skipping Stones Design sketch challenge!

  8. THIS is STUNNING, Heather! Bravo on the beautiful use of stamps and excellent color PLAY! Speaking of P-L-A-Y... THANKS for playing with Just Us Girls! We ALWAYS love it when you do! {!}

  9. I love it! Great use of the colors and I love that you timed yourself right down to the second! Love when that happens! Thanks for playing with Just Us Girls!

  10. i love the images you chose for this card, and HOORAY for your colors: they're simply perfect! i agree with everyone else, this is so elegant :D

    it's totally okay that you took a little longer than 10 minutes, i don't mind :D we're so glad you joined us for the 10 Minute Craft Dash--we hope you'll play again! :D
