Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Thank you

 A few weeks ago, I made a box (pictured below) to hold a jar of  homemade strawberry jam as a gift.  You can read about that project here.  (As a side note, I made the first strawberry jam batch of the season this morning.  Yummy!!!)  I finally finished the card to go along with it.  I knew I wanted the card to match the box and the Viva La Verve May week 5 sketch is perfect.  It's nice and simple so I didn't have to add a lot of extra stuff.  Also perfect is the Timeless Tuesdays #171 challenge to create a thank you card and the Cutie Pie #19 challenge to use diecuts & punches.  I used the charming ovals dies from Verve to frame my sentiment.
Stamps: Papertrey Ink "Year of Flowers: Collection" and "Through the Trees" (sentiment)
Dies: Verve "Charming Ovals


  1. Wow! That card and the matching box are beautiful!
    Thanks so much for participating in the Timeless Tuesday Challenge.
    Hugs and smiles

  2. I remember your lovely box from a few weeks ago. The card that you made is just beautiful. Love the bow and the off set sentiment in the middle. Thanks for sharing with Flourishes.

  3. Gorgeous gift set Heather! Love the box neat! Hugs ~S~

  4. Gorgeous card. Thanks for joining us at the cutie pies. Hugs. Lisa.
