Wednesday, March 28, 2012

computer printing

This week's Make it Monday challenge (from Papertrey Ink) was to combine computer generated text with stamps and dies (they explain it so much better on this video). I can't always participate in their challenges as I don't always have the needed supplies, but I do have a computer, stamps and matching dies so I was all set. So, my text was printed off the computer and fit perfectly in the blank space of this stamp from PTI's Mat Stack 2 set which also fits perfectly in the matching die (go figure!). I used Guide Lines 2 (also from PTI) to create the patterned paper. The sketch is from Sweet Stop Sketches, and the color combo is the Pretty Palette #53 combo of daffodil, aqua, pink and eggplant.


  1. Love the patterned paper you created - lovely card!

  2. Very pretty- i like the die shape you used. The paper you created is lovely! Thanks for once again joining us at MTME pretty palette!

  3. This is very pretty Heather , I like the way you did your pretty pink bow! Did you stamp your backgroudn If you did great job !

  4. Very pretty! Love the printed greeting on the label and the colorful background. Great job with the challenges. Thank you for palying along with us at The Sweet Stop this week.

  5. hhh pretty! Love how you created the panel! Gorgeous work! Thank you for joining us in the Sweet Stop Sketch! I hope you will join us again this week!

  6. Beautiful Heather!! Fantastic pattern paper and design! Thanks for joining us at MTME Pretty Palette challenge!

  7. Love how you used the colors to create your paper! So pretty! Thanks for playing our Pretty Palette challenge!
