Monday, May 30, 2011


This week, The Paper Variety challenge was to create something with a school theme. I don't know anyone graduating this year and my girls are not in school yet, but we do go to a weekly Storyhour which is a close to school as we get. : ) So, I made this thank you card for the lady that runs the storyhour. I thought the Winnie-the-Pooh reading stamp was just perfect! I used the Viva La Verve May week 5 sketch and used papers that matched the gift box I had all ready created (see the second photo). Luckily, the colors were perfect for the Pretty Palette #11 challenge to use white, daffodile, and marina mist (which I don't have). The sentiment is a combination of two stamps from Verve's "So amazing" (I think that's what it is called).


  1. Such a sweet card and gift box too! love Pooh! Thanks for sharing your projects with us at The Paper variety :)

  2. What an adorable card! I love Pooh. :) That flower is way cool too. Thanks for playing with us at The Paper Variety!

  3. This is so cute! I love the image and the flower is fabulous! Great layout too! Thanks for playing our Pretty Palette challenge!
